Subiz FAQs

Where you can find answers to your questions

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Can one Subiz account be installed for many websites?
Yes. You can install Subiz code in many websites / landingpages
How can I retrieve my password?
You can reset your password by following this instruction: Here
What should I do if I do not receive activation e-mail?

You need to check for 2 possibilities in the following:

a. Subiz's activation email was sent to SPAM box

b. Your email you type in registration form was wrong -> Re-register and make sure the email is correct

If it's not any of the above cases, contact

How can I check my account's information?
You need to log in your Subiz account, and go to subcription page
Do I need to create 10 Subiz accounts for 10 agents?
Absolutely no. You just need to create an account, and then log in Subiz Dashboard to invite other Agents.

You can read more details

How can I upgrade Subiz from V3.0 to V4.0? Is it free?
You are free of charge
What is Dashboard?
Dashboard is a web-based application where you can manage your account and your communications via other chanels. You can log in Dashboard at
How can I get notifications of new conversations?
You just receive notifications of your assigned conversations. Rules need to be closely created. A new conversation will be moved to the top of user list and has red notification.
Where can I update Agent's information?
You can click on the avatar to the top right of Dashboard and select personal information to update
Who will be in my user's list?
Users who have conversations were assigned to you will be in your user's list
Can I look at other users besides my user list?
Yes. Beside your user's list, you can see other users according to created segments.
Why I can't use other channels such as Email/ Zalo/ Messenger

Firstly, you have to install those channels on Dashboard.

To make a conversation via email or OTT, you need to have contact of users in those channels.

Can users review their chat history?

Yes. On Subiz's widget, users can review their chat history, to continue the unfinished conversation or create a new one.

If agents are offline, how is the chat window?
On Subiz 4.0, the chat window is always online to welcome users. In case there are no available agents, you can set up automation message and collect client's contacts for their pleasant experience on your website.
Can an user make many conversations at the same time?
Yes. Absolutely, let do it
Can I customize the Widget ?
Subiz has 02 sizes of widget for your option: standard size and full - height size
Is it neccessary to create rules with one agent?
Yes. You have to create rule to assign all conversations to that Agent.
I don't receive the notification of a new conversation
In case you have not created enough rules, your conversation will be moved to unassigned conversations list, and you cannot receive notifications. To avoid it, you should create a rule to assign all conversations and be placed at the end of the rule's list.
When are segments filtered?
After being created, segments will be automatically filtered. If you use Advanced package, you can choose to filter all existing users.
I want to create more segments
With standard package, you can create maximum 5 segments. Upgrade to advanced package if you require more.
Can a conversation be assigned to Agent who has last activity with user?
Yes. You can assign a conversation to Agent who has last activity with user by creating rule with action "Assign to agent(s) who has last acctivity with user."
How can I chat with Users on mobile?
At present, Subiz app is not available on mobile. Subiz will launch mobile app in June, 2018.
How can I initiatively make a conversation with users?

You can initiatively start a conversation with online users

You can also send auto message to users thanks to automation function.

Is it possible for many agents to support 1 user at the same time?

Yes. Agents can support an user at the same time by 2 way:

- Creating rule to assign a conversation to a group of agents

- Assigned agent invites other agents to joint this conversation

Can I send an email from any account?
No. You can only send email from email accounts installed in Income Email.
Can I make an email marketing campaign on Subiz?
No. At present, you cannot make an email marketing campaign on Subiz. Instead, you can send auto emails based on your users' actions.
Is it possible to send emails without an email domain or setting DKIM/SPF for domain?
Absolutely yes. You can send emails normally. However, you are suggested to set up DKIM/SPF if you have your own domain to avoid your email being moved to Spam.

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