Privacy Policy

Subiz respects and takes your privacy very seriously. This policy applies to all of the products and services offered by Subiz. Please read carefully this privacy policy before using the site or submitting any personal information.

1. Scope of data collection
When you register for a Subiz account, we collect and store information which is actively provided by you, including name, phone number, email, address, tax code (if any) of your business, and name, phone number, email of the users who are using Subiz. All information is actively entered by you and can be edited or deleted as needed. We use this information to support providing Subiz services to you.

By registering to Subiz service, you agree to allow us to use cookies, access information, and images to operate the service, edit personal information and content; stores information to save your time by minimizing the hassle of repeatedly entering the same information, to display personalized content, or to have relevant advertising information stored and appear again the next time you

2. Purpose of data collection
We will use that personal information to support the provision of services to you such as sending notifications about new updates in the service or sending you information about promotional programs and activities that are related to products and services. In addition, we commit not to use it for any other purpose.

3. Time to store personal information
Personal information is stored while you are using Subiz services. Subiz owns the data storage and rights of Subiz software. You have the right to delete your personal information directly on Subiz software.

After you stop using the Subiz service, your personal information and all other data related to your account will be automatically deleted 30 days after the service expiration date. Deleted data cannot be recovered.

4. Information collection and management unit VietNambiz online solutions joint stock company
• Address: 6th Floor, Kailash Building, Lane 92 Tran Thai Tong, Dich Vong Hau Ward, Cau Giay District, Hanoi
• Phone: 0247 302 1368
• Email:

5. How users can delete their personal data
You have the right to request deletion of your personal information by logging into website, selecting "Settings", selecting "Delete your business account" to send a request to delete the account to Subiz. Within 24 hours, Subiz's consultant team will contact you to confirm your decision to delete your account. Once you confirm, Subiz will delete your account, which includes all data related to your account. Deleted data cannot be recovered.

If you do not proactively delete your account, your account and data related to the account will also be automatically permanently deleted 30 days after the service contract expires.

You have the right to submit a complaint about the disclosure of your personal information to a third party to Subiz. When receiving this feedback, Subiz will confirm the information, and is responsible for answering the reason and instructing you to restore and re-secure the information.

Forms of receiving complaint information:

- Via email:
- Via phone: 0247 302 1368.

6. Commitment not to buy or sell user data
Subiz commits not to exchange or sell your personal data to third parties. We do not share your personal information, except to disclose information to third parties for legal matters, such as complying with a subpoena, or similar legal process. Similarly, when we both believe in good faith, disclosure is necessary to protect Subiz's rights, protect the safety of you and those around you, investigate fraud, or respond to government requirements.

7. Information may be shared with third parties
We may share general aggregate information with third parties. It is not your personal information.

8. In case the two parties have a merger or transaction
In the event that you and Subiz participate in a merger, acquisition or transaction of part or all of the assets of the two parties, we will notify you before transferring your personal information and apply another privacy policy.

Should you have any inquiries or doubts regarding our privacy policy or applied procedures feel free to contact us via the following e-mail: