7 Easy Ways to Make Your Website More Engaging

The better you do in engaging visitors on your site, the higher your chance of converting them into first-time or repeat customers. When you have someone landing on your site, what can you do to catch their attention, make them stay and persuade them to buy?

Engaging visitors doesn’t have to be difficult. You don’t have to be a big brand with a huge fan base to get people hooked. In fact, it doesn’t matter how big you are, you can get most of your traffics stay longer on the site with just some simple tricks.

Ready? Let’s try these 7 simple tips and start improving your site engagement.

1. Personalization

Personalized Websites

The content on your site doesn’t have to be the same for everyone. Engaging web content is what caters to each visitor in a highly personalized manner. To get people hooked on browsing your site, choose to display different copies of content to different segments of customers.

You can segment your dynamic content by demographics, purchase history, browsing history, real-time on-site behavior or any other preference that you learn from the customer’s behavior the last time they visit your site.

Providing custom tailored content shows that you care for your customer’s personal needs, to which they will feel more special and stick to your site.

2. Visuals

Visual content does very well in engaging visitors. Your site can look simple, but don’t be boring. Don’t drive your prospects away with a chunk of dull texts. Spice up your website copy with a few touches of images, graphics, video, animation, etc. and you will see an increase in your average time on site.

Among the visuals you can add to your site, video can be the most engaging element. It helps you convey your brand messages to customers in an memorable and interactive way. So why not add some videos and show your visitors how your product is made, how your product surpasses others in the industry or how other customers are using your products?

3. Contact page

engaging visitors tipsMoz Contact page

A contact page isn’t about providing contact names, emails and phone numbers only. It’s the place where your visitors decide whether to interact with you or not, so make sure it’s engaging enough. Don’t just toss out a lengthy and boring contact form then sit and pray that someone with finally drop you a line.

On your contact page or team page, add some vivid visuals such as your office images, staff images, direction map. That way, people will feel more closer to you and may not find the act of contacting you awkward at all. You can also add some hovering effects or scrolling effects to make the page more interactive.

4. Testimonials

Every customer tends to look for social validation before making their buying decision. It helps they decide faster knowing how others are talking about your product. So why not give them a nudge by sparing some space on your site for customer testimonials?

It’s best that the testimonials are from well-known individuals or corporates. But no worries if you don’t have big customers to show off. Make sure you have a clear photo of your client with their sincere quote and contact info if possible. As long as your testimonial block looks trustworthy, you can rest assured.

5. Customer spotlight


customer spotlightCustomer showcase or case study is another powerful social proof that aids customer’s buying decision. It engages your prospects when they feel the need to stay longer and see how your product or service is manifested by your current customers.

If the data you can gather is not enough to have weekly or monthly customer spotlight, make a showcase contest so that people will come to you with their own story. The gift doesn’t have to be big. It just needs to be meaningful and incentive enough for customers to showcase their experience.

6. Blog

When talking about engaging content, you can’t forget to talk about blog. Creating a blog on your site is the most engaging way you should employ. It shows off your expertise in the field and people will come to your site daily for the expert knowledge you share in your quality articles.

However, remember that it may take time for people to recognize and get attached to reading your blog, so don’t expect a sudden surge in your site traffics. Meanwhile, make sure you don’t chase people away with too many shameless self-promotion. Your blog should focus on sharing useful knowledge. Once people they find that you’re trying to be helpful, they will try your product.

7. Social media

social mediaOne-way communication never works. It may work in the past, but not now when customers expect quick response from the brand. Aside from traditional support channels like phone or email, your business needs to be present on social media to satisfy that need for fast interaction from customers.

Likewise, showing your phone number or email address on your site is not enough. If you want to engage people, you need to show your social media contacts as well. There are many social platforms but you don’t have to be on every of them.

Especially when your resources are limited, pick the platforms where most of your users are and focus on being active on those channels. That way, you can engage and attend to the most customers as possible.

What do you think about these 7 tips? What is your strategy to engage visitors on your site? Feel free to comment and share this post with your marketing team.

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